“He worked for the Unity of the Church”
The Epitaph on the grave of Dr. Philip Schaff, 18th Century Church Historian and Pastor

Philosophy of Ministry:  

What does it mean to be a Pastor?

Being a Pastor means, first and foremost, to be a shepherd, a pastor must walk gently lead the flock from in front instead of driving the flock from behind. The pastor must also be willing to protect the flock and work to maintain the unity of the Body. Practically speaking, the pastor must care for his flock through the teaching of the word, living a life of service inspired by the transformation of the Gospel through the Holy Spirit. Being a pastor means listening to those whom you are caring for, being open and willing to accept criticism and evaluate where change needs to take place. The pastor should also make sure that he or she is seeing to the management of their household, for as scripture says in first Timothy 3 “how can one who cannot manage his own household well, manage the household of God.” The pastor must be able to collaborate with others and encourage and enable others to fulfill the call of God on their lives. Being a pastor means a life of humble service to wherever God has called you to serve in the making of disciples and spreading of the Gospel through evangelism.

The Best Way to Govern A Congregation:

The best way to govern a congregation is first and foremost by the complete testimony and direction of the Word of God through the leading of the Holy Spirit that comes through prayer as an Elder serving alongside a group of Elders. The pastor then is part of the Elder Board and therefore works together with the other members of the Elder Board to advance the work of Christ in the local Church. All members of the church governing body must be devoted to the reading of the Word of God and to prayer.

Best Way to Worship:

The best way to worship is in spirit and truth and at all times. Worship is not merely the singing of songs as a corporate body on Sunday, though this is important, worship is also the way in which we live out lives from Monday to Saturday. Worship rises to God from our songs and from our lives. Worship music should be directed towards God in thankfulness in all He has done for us as believers, not contained or focused upon the self, but given to the creator of all things, God the Father almighty.

Best Way to Lead:

The best way to lead is by the example of Christ in word and life. As a servant leader, leading through prayer. Leadership also means working alongside and listening to those who are called to lead alongside you. Servant Leadership is by its very nature collaborative leadership because it denies self or position title and invests in everyone serving or being served. Church leadership should be done collaboratively, by the Elder Board with input from the congregation, especially senior saints who often have great wisdom and insight.